Jd Planter Year By Serial Number
That Congress not only made no increase in the clerical force of the Patent Office last year, but actually reduced their number by twenty, is being prominently brought to the attention of Congressmen. It is undeniably a strong argument for ample force in the Patent Office that there is now a surplus of $2,500,000 in the National Treasury belonging to the Patent Department. A system of lessening the cost of patents by a graduated scale of fees has been proposed, but excessive cost is not so often complained of as the sometimes inevitable delays, many of which might be avoided by a more generous use of the money of patentees in paying for help in the Patent Office.
jd planter year by serial number
The Commissioner of Patents is required by law to make a report to Congress at the close of each calendar year, and I have made some inquiries as to the statistics it will embrace. There has been an increase in nearly every branch of the office over last year, and the receipts for moneys paid in during 1883 over 1882 is, in round numbers, $135,000. This, however, does not equal the increase of 1882 over 1881, which was $155,556.66. The increase in correspondence has been about ten per cent, and in applications of every kind nearly twenty per cent. The number of patents forfeited during the year is about 2,000. These figures are not exact, for in none of the divisions have any steps been taken toward furnishing the data for the Commissioner's report, which must be presented to Congress within the next month, but they are sufficiently close to show that the patent business throughout the country is not retrograding; it is rather constantly increasing in importance and demanding more rigid attention of the lawmakers and those who administer the laws.
The Secretary has decided that where an applicant files two or more applications for patents for divisions of the same subject matter of invention, the references from one application to another required by rule 42 of the rules of practice relating to such cases must specify the applications particularly by stating the dates of filing and serial numbers.
One enthusiastic inventor, hailing from north of the Tweed, took up his station outside of the door soon after midnight, and his patience was rewarded by the honor of appearing as "No 1" under the new law. Toward four o'clock he was joined by two others, and when the hour for opening had arrived a small crowd of about fifty eager applicants had assembled; but when they had been disposed of, business became slack. There was, however, a steady influx, and at four o'clock it was found that 266 applications had been recorded. This is by far the largest number every received in one day. The 1st of October, 1852, when the Patent Law Amendment Act -- the statute which has just expired -- came into operation, was a busy day, 146 applications having been sent in. On the last day of last year one person, who wished to have the last patent under the 1852 Act, after waiting about some time, handed in a specification at the last minute, satisfied that he had secured the peculiar pleasure he sought. Half a minute to four o'clock a small boy, from a dark corner of the office, sprung himself upon the astonished occupants and handed in two specifications. The man who thought he had got the last was heard to mutter something about the artful little boy, but what it was he muttered does not seem to be a matter of importance to history, as similar remarks have been made before. Contrary to general expectation, the falling off in the work of the office during last year, consequent on the superior advantages offered by Mr. Chamberlain's Act, has not been very great. In 1882 the applications reached 6,241, the largest number ever known, while in 1883 they amounted to 5,993, or a decrease of 249. The diminution first manifested itself in the week ending September 22, just a month after the passing of the act, when there was a deficiency of three, as compared with the corresponding period of 1882. From that time the number of applications fell off steadily, with the result above stated.
DEAR SIR: Last winter there was to a limited extent put on foot a plan of operating upon the people of the Northwest, through the press, with a view of getting them to take a proper view of the war raging, and its ultimate ruinous results if successful according to the views of the people of the Northeast. Among other papers prepared in part to this end there was a report submitted to the planters' convention held at Memphis, Ten., in February last, the main object of which was to bring new issues before the people of the Western States. The paper has been examined by the editor of the Mississippian, Prof. J. D. b. De Bow, and other well-informed gentlemen, all of whom approve of its main features. By agreement with Prof. J. D. B. De Bow it will appear in the next number of his Review. In the meantime it is to be printed in circular form because the present is considered a favorable time for its circulation in the West on account of your recent victories. Should you favor the document and its objects, your patronage in giving circulation and effect is considered to be highly important. In connection with this is considered to be highly important. In connection with this a large army of observation is proposed occupying a military line between a suitable point on the Ohio River and a point above Lake Erie, not for the purpose of invading the Northwestern States, but with the view of bringing about an honorable peace before the power of the American people is reduced to suit the views of European governments, and for the purpose of opening up the natural highways and markets for the Southern and Western people.