Trista Post
Watch Violet Myers flaunt her cans as she does some her favorite physical activities There is some jump roping action a little post workout shake making session and even a sensuous soapy shower Violet is ready to put her knockers to work
trista post
The purpose of the study was to examine the difference that ability and skill retraining used with task-oriented intervention can make on functional independence (as measured by FIM subscales) in persons with stroke. The findings of this study can contribute to the body of literature to support occupational therapy. Review of related literature includes background support for the use of FIM with the stroke population through analysis of the psychometric properties of the instrument. Also, the review of related literature provides support for the use of ability and skill retraining and task-oriented interventions with the stroke population. This supports the use of FIM admission and discharge scores to measure functional improvement and the division of ability and skill retraining and task-oriented interventions used in this study. Part of a large data set of a retrospective study of medical records for persons in long term care with the primary diagnosis of stroke was reviewed for the current study. Baseline and discharge FIM subscale scores were examined for 50 patients. The FIM subscales used were eating, grooming, bathing, upper body dressing, lower body dressing, toileting, bed, chair, and wheelchair transfers, and walk/wheelchair locomotion. Means, standard deviations, and t-tests with post hoc testing were used to analyze the data and determine if there were significant differences between baseline and discharge mean scores of the FIM subscales. IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21 was used for analysis. Billing information was also gathered on the 50 patients to determine which interventions were billed for the most often. The interventions were divided into ability and skill retraining or task-oriented/functional oriented interventions to allow for a comparison of which is used the most in a long term care setting. Major results of the study were improvement was seen on each of the eight FIM subscales used and statistically significant improvement was found in all of the measured FIM subscales, with the exception of eating. Other major findings of the study included that about two-thirds of the billed intervention was task-oriented/functional oriented interventions and the other one-third was ability and skill retraining interventions. Discussion and clinical implications of the results conclude the thesis.
Technical Abstract: The objectives were to determine the effects of castration in pigs at 3, 6, 9, or 12 d of age on acute growth performance, hormone profiles, and behavior. Ninety-four intact male pigs were randomly assigned a treatment age by litter (3, 6, 9, or 12 d of age; n = 9-13 pigs/treatment/age group). Pigs within a litter were then assigned to castrated (C) or non-castrated (NC) treatment groups according to body weight. Pigs were non-surgically fitted with jugular catheters and blood samples drawn immediately prior to castration at time 0, and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 24 and 48 h post-castration. Body weights were obtained when the pigs were catheterized and at 24 and 48 h post-castration. Serum samples were analyzed for cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S). No differences (P=0.88) existed in initial body weight of pigs, and there was no overall treatment effect on growth performance of pigs at 24 h (P=0.98) or 48 h (P=0.94) post-treatment. There was a time-by-treatment effect (P 041b061a72